Heartland Building Inspections

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Drilled Wells

Drilled wells penetrate about 100-400 feet into the bedrock. Where you find bedrock at the surface, it is commonly called ledge. To serve as a water supply, a drilled well must intersect bedrock fractures containing ground water.


Text Box: Drilled Well Construction Features
The casing is usually metal or plastic pipe, six inches in diameter that extends into the bedrock to prevent shallow ground water from entering the well. By law, the casing has to extend at least 18 feet into the ground, with at least five feet extending into the bedrock. The casing should also extend a foot or two above the ground’s surface. A sealant, such as cement grout or betonies clay, should be poured along the outside of the casing to the top of the well. The well is capped to prevent surface water from entering the well. 
Submersible pumps, located near the bottom of the well, are most commonly used in drilled wells. Wells with a shallow water table may feature a jet pump located inside the home. Pumps require special wiring and electrical service. Well pumps should be installed and serviced by a qualified professional registered with your state. 
Most modern drilled wells incorporate a pitless adapter designed to provide a sanitary seal at the point where the discharge water line leaves the well to enter your home. The device attaches directly to the casing below the frost line and provides a watertight subsurface connection, protecting the well from frost and contamination. 
Older drilled wells may lack some of these sanitary features. The well pipe used was often eight-, 10- or 12- inches in diameter, and covered with a concrete well cap either at or below the ground’s surface. This outmoded type of construction does not provide the same degree of protection from surface contamination. Also, older wells may not have a pitless adapter to provide a seal at the point of discharge from the well. 



Wells Information                                                                                                                  

Properly constructed private water supply systems require little routine maintenance. These simple steps will help protect your system and investment.

            Casing depth and height.


    • The wells should be cased below the water levels in the well to afford greater protection from contamination.
    • The well casing should extend 1 to 2 feet above the surrounding land to prevent surface water from running down the casing or on top of the cap and into the well.

How can I know the quality of my private drinking water supply?

Consider Heartland Building Inspections for testing the well for pesticides, organic chemicals, and heavy metals before you use it for the first time. Test private water supplies annually for nitrate and coliform bacteria to detect contamination problems early. Test them more frequently if you suspect a problem. Be aware of activities in your watershed that may affect the water quality of your well, especially if you live in an unsewered area.


What You Don't Know About Your Well And Drinking Water Can Hunt You!

 .Call today 573-431-7197 or 1-800-246-6564 to schedule your inspections or  Clink here  to submit an online order.
